"Our" favorite feederMy hummers had no trouble switching from the basic bottle feeders to this saucer and I love it because it's the oh-so-easy to clean. The built in ant moat dries out rather quickly but I basically fail to fill it anyway and haven't had any ant problems at all. I now have 2 of these feeders that hang from shepherds hooks and there's no leakage problems whatsoever. Remember: change your sugar water frequently; every few days to avoid spoilage. I highly recommend this feeder.
EDIT (04/2008): I wish this feeder came in 8oz since I don't really need 16oz and don't get that many hummers (unfortunately). But I did also purchase a Hummzinger Fancy (12 oz) and surprisingly I just didn't like it. It was easy to clean but was deeper than the PPO which didn't appeal to me. I had put the Perky Pet on one hook on the south side of the house and the HummZinger on the north side's hook. The HummZinger didn't get much activity which was surprising since the hummers are used to both hooks having a feeder. After 2 weeks I put the HummZinger away and went back to 2 PP's. Activity resumed on the north hook...
Considering both feeders are outside from April to November and rinsed in hot water for every cleaning they've held up well. No cracking minimal color fading no flowers have needed replacement to date.
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